Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Here we are again in the 90's along with the humidity! Its crazy weather, its NEVER like this here. Worked all day in the heat selling plants and produce, came home and what a GREAT surprise was waiting for me in the mailbox!!!!! A package from my secret pal! And what a package it was! Inside was some BEAUTIFUL roving in these 2 great colors!! And she went on to say that the one was made from corn!! How funny is that considering our business is George's Sweet Corn! Along with this beautiful and so soft roving was a beginners book on how to drop spindle!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I bought a beautiful hand made one at the Hemlock fiberfest last october and got a quick lesson but of course I forgot how to a few days later so.....just what I needed was a beginners book on how to do it! And last but certainly not least was some great sav for sore muscles which I seem to have every day! I also waitress 3 nites a week at a busy restaurant which I hate in the summer working 7 days at George's but I need it in the winter after we close to be able to buy yarn etc. so anyway the sav can be put to many uses depending on what job what day!!! Thanks so much secret pal! You are the best! I took some pictures and am learning how to be able to post them on this blog so hopefully will get them on in the next few days. Took a day off fri. and Mar and I went on a field trip to a great yarn shop in rochester, ny called Spirit Works. Got a few goodies for my secret pal. Wanted to take some pictures but it was raining BUCKETS that day. Got a few sheep pictures for my new room, am still on the hunt for a wicker desk to put the computer on and finally found some antique sock stretchers for the room but I plan on using them also when I wash the great socks mar made me for last christmas.

Off to clean bird cages and put the garbage out then off to bed with 2 fans blasting!

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