Wednesday, August 03, 2005


well, looked at mar's blog and see she has tagged me!! Will certanily have to think about that one! And by the way everything she said about herself is true!!! Tried to blog last nite and there was such a storm the power went off after I had written a huge post but wasn't done of course, so completly lost the whole thing!! Now am tired tonight so it will have to be a short post! Almost done with the purse I have been working on. Now that I am in the last leg of it I am tired of it, hey that might be one idiosyncrosy of mine!! but its true, just have the strap to do and can't make any headway with it, just seems like more work knitting just 6 stiches to a row, you would think it would be easier but........ anyhow, I have got to finish it before knit nite because I am hoping one of the fine knitters that go will show me how to sew the darn thing together!!!!! Also have to get a picture of the felted bag I am dying to make. It has tons of different color yarns in it. hmmm, 6 stiches is sounding better now! Possibly just a few more rows before bed............

1 comment:

Mz Mar said...

I knew that extra long strap was going to be annoying!! You can do it!!
Yeah, tomorrow's Knit Nite!!!