Friday, June 17, 2005

dance recital

I know, I know, I should definatly be in bed as tomorrow I have to be up at 6:30 for the market thing and might have to drive out early to pick up strawberries BUT - I am fooling around on the computer! I have heard from the person who has me for a secret pal!!!!!! Yea! I found the e-mail of all things in my spam folder! Crazy huh? My daughter had her dance recital tonight, what a great job the woman who runs this dance school does, so professional!!!! I felt very sad seeing my meg dance tho, she seemed so grown up, which of course she is, she is 17 going on 30! I can remember her first recital when she was 4 yrs old and how excited she and we were. And just like the old saying goes, it just seems like yesterday! I am not sure where the time goes but it sure does go! But it really hit home watching the little ones do their dances and how cute they all were! A friend of ours went with us tonight and my hub and I had bought a little flower arrangement for meg and he showed up with a HUGE red rose arrangement, how embarrassing for us huh?? Well he meant well but still........................... gotta go to bed now, can't see anymore to type.

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