Saturday, November 19, 2005

the BOY

17 yr. old daughter invited "the boy" for dinner. hmmmmmmmmm, what a nice kid! She certainly outdid herself this time. I don't want to tell her I like him to much or she will automatically assume there must be something totally wrong with him and dump him! What manners the boy had, please, thank-you, dinner was great, you're a great cook, brought 3 movies he thought I might like to watch, 2 of which I have seen, and liked, and really liked the 3rd one. Well, we can keep our fingers crossed!! Now he has a invite for thanksgiving dinner as well so I am glad we got the getting to know him out of the way ahead of time!

Have been trying to work on the hubby's scarf I have been promising him him for 2 years and his bday is 11/30, so there is still time! Have not heard a single thing from the one who has me for sp6! My sp6 really enjoyed her basket of goodies. Am so glad as its hard to know what people you don't know will really like. Went to a craft show today and found 3 things to buy for people for christmas!! YEA!! What a pretty day it was too! Lots of sun and not as cold or snowy as its been!! Just got home after taking "the boy" home so am off to bed as george's is closed but worked at the darn restaurant 4 days in a row and tomorrow nite too! But hey "christmas is comming" :)

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