Thursday, March 08, 2007

crocheting disaster

well, did learn how to single crochet. Worked and worked and had to rip the darn thing out many times as on the end it would dip and weave. hmmmm, agravating but after many rip outs got the thing under control, crocheted 2 skeins of wool and was going to felt it and use it on a table as a pad. Well totally did not felt right at all. Felted in not lengthwise, so have a very long, skinny pad that ruffles!! Don't know what went wrong but possibly crocheting does not felt right???? Anyhow so much for that project BUT.......have decided I do like to crochet and have now learned how to double crochet so am attempting a scarf. I am hoping to have better luck on this!

Will post my questionaire for SP10 later. I am excited to be doing it as I haven't for quite some time. Think the last might have been SP5 or 6. I am already gathering goodies.


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